Diseases and Conditions

Childhood asthma

Alternative medicine

While some alternative remedies are used for asthma, in most cases more research is needed to see how well they work and to determine possible side effects. Alternative treatments to consider include:

  • Breathing techniques. These include structured breathing programs, such as the Buteyko breathing technique, the Papworth method and yoga breathing exercises (pranayama).
  • Relaxation techniques. Techniques such as meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis and progressive muscle relaxation might help with asthma by reducing tension and stress.
  • Herbal remedies and supplements. A few herbal remedies have been tried for asthma, including black seed, fish oil and magnesium. However, further studies are needed to assess their benefit and safety.

    Herbs and supplements can have side effects and can interact with other medications your child is taking. Talk to your child's doctor before trying any herbs or supplements.